General news

Future security and resilience indicators published

  • Generation
  • Low emissions

The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko has published a set of indicators that will support us, and industry participants, to monitor changes to the opportunities and challenges to the future security and resilience of the power system, as they may materialise.

The indicators have been developed as part of the Future Security and Resilience (FSR) programme of work, and are designed to be a low-cost way to help inform the prioritisation of FSR activities.

For participants and stakeholders the indicators will act as a useful tool to keep track of trends and observations from across the industry.

Ten FSR opportunities and challenges have been identified, falling into three key themes:

  • Theme 1: The opportunities and challenges related to the rise of distributed energy resources
  • Theme 2: The opportunities and challenges related to the changing generation portfolio
  • Theme 3: Foundational opportunities and challenges.

We intend to further develop the indicators as our understanding of the issues evolves and as different data sources become available. We are open to hearing about other indicators that may be useful as we continue to monitor the opportunities and challenges to the future security and resilience of the power system.

View the future security and resilience indicators.

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