A new way to submit your Part 16A audit to the Electricity Authority
The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko is replacing the Retail and Audit Database - also known as RAD - with a new audit portal within the Authority’s Complian…
Call for nominations for the Security and Reliability Council
The Electricity Authority is calling for nominations for an independent Chair and two members of the Security and Reliability Council.
Authority opens new pathway for energy innovators
Today the Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko has launched the Power Innovation Pathway, an initiative designed to accelerate innovation in New Zealand’s electr…
Investigation into alleged breach by Transpower as the grid owner
The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko is investigating an alleged breach of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code) by Transpower New Zealand …
What is behind low wholesale electricity prices
Our previous ‘Eye on electricity’ article explained how high wholesale electricity prices in early August 2024 reflected fuel scarcity in the electricity syste…
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Featured —
Energy Competition Task Force considers eight actions to strengthen electricity market
Experts from the Electricity Authority and Commerce Commission are focused on two packages of work that collectively aim to encourage investment in new generation, bolster competition and provide more opportunities for consumers to manage their own electricity use and costs.
What was behind high wholesale electricity prices
Between July and early August 2024, New Zealand’s wholesale electricity prices increased from roughly $300/MWh to over $800/MWh. This article explains how the …
Authority makes rule change to aid futures market
The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko has made an urgent change to rules to ensure that the electricity futures market continues to work for consumers, even d…
Consultation - Code review programme #6
We’re seeking feedback on Code review programme #6 which contains 16 discrete proposals to the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010.
Consultation paper published - Code amendment omnibus #4
We’re seeking feedback on an omnibus paper with four discrete amendment proposals to the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 to:
Update to guidelines for dispatchable load purchaser audits
We have updated the Guideline for dispatchable load purchaser audits to reflect changes in the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010, following the im…
Hedge Disclosure Obligations: Upcoming user-experience workshop and user guide
In June 2024, we published our decision on the Hedge Disclosure Obligation Code amendments. These changes will enhance the disclosure requirements and publicat…
Featured —
Generation investment data and dashboard – now and in the future
The dashboard summarises the data on current generation and the expected new generation from the Authority-commissioned 2022 and 2023 investment surveys. We’ve also published a list of investment projects which have been publicly announced, with information on each project’s status as used in the surveys.
Electricity Authority releases first Energy Margin Dashboard
The Energy Margin Dashboard shows the energy margins generators are making when selling into the wholesale electricity market. It gives consumers much clearer visibility of which generators are doing well out of the electricity market each week and how New Zealand maintains security of supply.
Energy Competition Task Force set up to improve electricity market performance
The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko and the Commerce Commission Te Komihana Tauhokohoko have established an Energy Competition Task Force to develop a serie…
Settlement residual rebates information disclosure
The Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 requires distributors to publish an annual breakdown of settlement residue rebates by connection location and …
Cross-submissions invited on instantaneous reserve cost allocation
The Electricity Authority is now accepting cross-submissions on proposed changes for instantaneous reserve costs allocation. We are proposing to amend the El…