Distributed generation

Distributed generation refers to a variety of technologies that generate electricity at or near where it will be used, for example solar panels.

About distributed generation

Distributed generation encompasses a range of technologies, such as solar panel systems, wind turbines and micro-hydro schemes. This generation may be used as electricity sources for businesses, homes or farms.

Distributed generation is connected directly to local networks rather than the national grid.

Our role

We monitor and support the compliance of distributors and generators on the connection of distributed generation to distributors’ networks, as set out in Part 6 of the Code.

In the case of non-compliance, we may take enforcement action, where appropriate. Also, in some circumstances, we may have a role to play in dispute resolution between generators and distributors.


Part 6 of the Code mandates the application and approval process between the prospective generator and the distributor (for example, the network operator). See the following guidelines and information papers.