
Reconciliation in the electricity market is the process of how electricity flowing in the power system is accurately allocated to buyers and sellers for invoicing.

About the reconciliaton process

The reconciliation manager facilitates the monthly reconciliation process and is responsible for reconciling metering data against a register of contracts and passing the data to participants.

The clearing manager uses information supplied by the reconciliation manager to generate invoices for the electricity generated or consumed by industry participants, and for any dispatchable demand, during the previous month.

Code requirements

Parts 10 and 15 of the Code set out industry participants obligations for reconciliation standards, including:

  • how reconciliation participants and metering equipment providers must gather, store and provide information about electricity conveyed
  • how reconciliation participants must prepare and provide submission information and, where relevant, dispatchable demand information
  • how the reconciliation manager must allocate volumes of electricity among reconciliation participants
  • how the reconciliation manager must pass information to the clearing manager for the calculation of invoices
  • the obligations of the reconciliation manager to pass the information to reconciliation participants, the registry and the Electricity Authority the requirements for the creation, approval and maintenance of profiles
  • the requirements for audits, auditors, approvals and certifications.

Reconciliation profiles

A profile is used for reconciliation purposes. Profiling allows generators or retailers to estimate how much electricity each customer has generated or used in each half hour period by defining standard use patterns. These patterns are applied to the customer's total usage in the period.

A reconciliation profile is a fixed or variable electricity use pattern that is assigned to a particular group of meter registers or unmetered loads.

Any standard profile owned by the Electricity Authority may be used. Any profile that is not standard may only be used if it has been approved in accordance with Schedule 15.5 of the Code.

Network supply points table

A network supply point (NSP) is a composite identifier made up of the network participant identifier and the point of connection code. NSPs are used to reference information to grid connection points for reconciliation purposes.

All valid network supply point identifier combinations are maintained by the reconciliation manager.

The network supply points table provides the start and end dates of NSPs as well as the point of connection to the grid (for embedded networks).

Industry guidelines

Electricity sector legislation is complex and technical. See our guidance on industry‑specific best practice.