Our strategy and priorities
We're working with the sector to enable decarbonisation, electrify the economy and achieve a net zero carbon future.
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Our strategic objectives
We want to achieve a secure and resilient, accessible and efficient energy system that protects domestic and small business consumers and improves long-term outcomes for all consumers and New Zealand.
By carrying out our regulatory functions, engaging and collaborating to build trust and confidence in the electricity system and in the Electricity Authority, we anticipate improved long-term outcomes for consumers.
This means we are focused on achieving an electricity system that is:
- Secure and resilient – Consumers have trust and confidence in their energy supply. It’s reliable, secure and responsive to shocks.
- Accessible – Consumers have simple, stable options to access to affordable electricity. They can choose their electricity supplier(s) from a competitive and efficient market.
- Efficient – Consumers can access an electricity system with a mix of renewable generation, storage and technologies that best fits their needs.
Our vision
Our vision is for consumers to have choices in accessing the energy they need now, and in the future, to ensure they and New Zealand prosper.
Our priorities
New Zealand has committed to transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Electricity will have a key role to play in achieving this climate ambition. Aotearoa will require large quantities of new renewable electricity generation, increased use of distributed energy resources, new ways to participate and more participants. It will change the dynamics of the electricity system and markets.
As Aotearoa’s electricity regulator, the Electricity Authority acts as a kaitiaki of the electricity system. It's our priority to ensure that the low-emissions transition is as efficient as possible while maintaining energy security, system adaptability, and affordability for all New Zealanders. Our priorities are:
- System security and resilience – Making sure market rules enable innovation and investment in generation while ensuring a reliable electricity system.
- Enabling investment and innovation – Promoting investment and supporting the uptake of new technologies for more dynamic management of the power system.
- Consumer protection – Improving protections for consumers and small businesses, improving how we monitor the retail market and the conduct of retailers.
- Monitoring, compliance, education and enforcement – Promoting a stable regulatory environment by strengthening our compliance activities and improving data disclosure to support decision making.
- Building trust and confidence – Improving our capability and capacity to deliver a stable investment framework and regulatory environment to enable effective decision making that benefits consumers.