Improving retail market monitoring
Improving retail market monitoring: Clause 2.16 information notice
View submissions
Submissions closed 29 February 2024
This consultation sought feedback on our proposal to streamline our collection of retail data with a single data request to improve our monitoring of the retail market.
We sought feedback on:
- if our proposed single retail data request is fit for purpose
- potential costs and benefits to the data request
- any concerns about publishing anonymised retail data.
We would like to thank all submitters for their feedback. We are carefully considering all submissions and using them to analyse the likely benefits and costs of our proposal. We intend to consult on this evaluation in mid-2024 and make a final decision in late 2024.
Consultation paper
Thank you to those who attended our webinar on 24 January 2024. A recording of the webinar is available below and here are the questions and answers.
Anonymous5 pages
Common Grace Aotearoa9 pages
Consumer Advocacy Council5 pages
Consumer NZ16 pages
Contact Energy20 pages
Ecobulb4 pages
Electricity Networks Aotearoa8 pages
ERANZ5 pages
FinCap4 pages
Genesis Energy8 pages
Hanergy3 pages
Mercury NZ4 pages
Meridian Energy12 pages
MEUG2 pages
Neil Walbran Consulting4 pages
Nova Energy10 pages
Octopus Energy4 pages
Privacy Commissioner5 pages
Steve Southall1 page
Sustainability Trust4 pages
The Independent Retailers8 pages
Utilities Disputes6 pages
Vector6 pages