General news

Default distributor agreement and consumption data template improvements

  • Distribution
  • Retail

The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko is seeking feedback on proposed changes to the default distributor agreement and consumption data templates.

These templates are in Part 12A of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code). We consider amending the Code would benefit consumers.

The default distributor agreement template contains a set of default terms for a distributor agreement between a distributor and a trader wanting to retail electricity on the distributor’s network.

The consumption data template contains a set of default terms for an agreement between a distributor and a trader for providing historical consumption data to the distributor.

The proposed changes to the default distributor agreement and consumption data templates are to address issues, which include:

  • costs faced by traders wanting to compete for customers on distributors’ networks are higher than they need to be
  • distributors face higher-than-necessary costs in combining historical electricity consumption data with other datasets for the purpose of providing distribution services or developing distribution prices.

The Authority is considering, more broadly, how industry participants can better access information needed to unlock the potential of distributed energy resources, as part of our review of distribution network regulatory settings.

We consider the proposed amendment to the consumption data template is a quick step towards unlocking this potential.

We welcome feedback on our proposed Code amendments by 14 November 2023.

View consultation.

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