FTR market disclaimer

Financial transmission rights are futures contracts under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013.

The financial transmission rights manager and clearing manager will not deal in financial transmission rights with any person, other than an approved participant. Financial transmission rights are not offered outside New Zealand.

The information on this website relating to financial transmission rights is of a general nature only and does not constitute personalised financial advice. While we have made every effort to ensure the information provided is accurate, you should not rely on this information to make any financial decision. If you are an approved participant and are considering purchasing or trading in financial transmission rights, you should carefully consider the risks and benefits and, if necessary, seek professional advice.

Money paid for financial transmission rights will be held in a separate account, and does not represent a liability of the Electricity Authority, the FTR manager or the clearing manager. None of the Crown, the Electricity Authority, the FTR manager or the clearing manager (or any of their directors, officers or managers) nor any other person guarantees the performance or returns of any financial transmission rights or the repayment of capital.