General news

Consultation on dispatch notification enhancement and clarifications

  • Code
  • Innovation

We are seeking your feedback on proposed amendments to the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 (Code) to enhance the dispatch notification product and clarify the requirements for participants.

The dispatch notification product provides a low-cost path for inclusion of small-scale resources in the wholesale electricity market. Users of dispatch notification could include owners of small hydro generation or small industrial loads, or aggregators of residential solar and battery installations, smart appliances, and/or commercial buildings.

We are proposing one enhancement – to further reduce barriers to participation for load aggregators – and two clarifications to align the Code with existing policy intent.

Allowing providers of small-scale flexible resources to participate in the market will promote competition, supporting Aotearoa New Zealand to efficiently transition to a low-emissions economy by helping to displace high-cost and carbon-intensive thermal generation.

Read the consultation paper and have your say.

We look forward to receiving your responses to this consultation by 5pm on Friday 29 September 2023.

There will also be an opportunity to provide cross-submissions by 5pm on Friday 13 October 2023.

View consultation.

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