General news
Inviting registrations of interest in the future comparison and switching service
- Consumers
- Innovation
The Electricity Authority is seeking proposals for a provider to manage and operate the nation's go-to electricity retailer comparison and switching website.
The Authority wants to ensure consumers have access to simple processes and accurate information to support them to choose the right electricity plan for their household.
We’ve heard from consumers that they want more from the Authority’s comparison and switching support services. They are asking for a service that is easier to use, innovative and reliable.
We're seeking an innovative and capable provider to take the service to the next level. If you have experience in the following, we want to hear from you
- Web development and maintenance
- Data management and analysis
- User experience design
- Energy sector knowledge
This is one of four initiatives the Authority is taking to ensure consumers – today and in the future – are equipped with the information and tools they need to take full advantage of a dynamic and competitive energy market.
Powerswitch is the current switching and comparison website. Consumer NZ runs the service and the current contract expires 30 June 2025.
The Authority intends to have the website live and operating by 1 July 2025.
Register your interest
The Authority is running a two-stage procurement process to secure a comparison and switching website. The first step is the registration of interest in August followed by a request for proposals later in the year.
Timelines are indicative and may be subject to change. Any changes made will be communicated through the GETS platform.
📋 How to Apply: You will need a Real Me account to access GETS. Visit to sign up – it’s quick and easy!
You can then access full details on the tender process and requirements on GETS .
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