General news

Report for the Minister of Energy and Resources

  • Corporate

The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko has published its Four-monthly report to the Minister of Energy and Resources to improve public access to, and understanding of, our performance.

The report provides the Minister with a four-monthly progress update on our work.

The Four-monthly report to the Minister is accompanied by our Annual Corporate Plan Progress report for the same period.

The Four-monthly report to the Minister of Energy and Resources covers:

  • updates to the Minister on Ministerial priorities and other emerging issues
  • reports on our Annual Corporate Plan and output measures from our Statement of Performance Expectations
  • an update on our organisational development
  • financial information for the year to date
  • audit and risk matters.

The Annual Corporate Plan Progress report shows how we are performing against our activity areas in our Annual Corporate Plan and summarises the updates on Ministerial priorities and other emerging issues.

View all our corporate reports

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