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Webinar about changes to distributed generation information in the Electricity Registry

  • Distribution
  • Generation

From 1 August 2025, distributors will be required to provide more detail about distributed generation at an installation control point in the Electricity Registry.

This will improve distributors’ ability to manage networks, increase the use of distributed generation for flexibility, and ultimately provide more value for distributed generation owners.

A test version of the Electricity Registry will be available from Sunday 9 March to enable participants to test the changes to their systems before the requirements come into effect.

The Authority invites all interested parties to register for a webinar on Thursday 27 February 10-10.30am to learn more about these changes to the Electricity Registry.

The webinar will be an opportunity to learn about the upcoming changes, what’s required and ask questions before the test version goes live. If you have any questions in advance of the webinar, please email them to by Monday 17 February.

Register for the webinar


This new requirement follows our release of the updated draft Electricity Authority Registry Functional Specification in December 2024. That technical document provides information for distributors to accurately capture and input more detailed data into the Electricity Registry about distributed generation on their networks. Changes to the registry’s distributed generation-related fields were decided in August 2024 following the Authority’s ‘Code amendment omnibus three’ consultation.

Decision paper - Code amendment omnibus three

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