Proposal to introduce a default agreement for distribution services
We sought feedback on our proposal to introduce an amendment to the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010 which would require retailers and distributors to use a prescribed Default Distributor Agreement (DDA) when entering into contracts to use network services.
Prior to the amendment, distributors may have been in stronger positions to dictate terms and conditions of contracts between retailers for use of network services, given their monopoly position. This Code amendment introduces core terms and operational conditions in the Code which can be insisted on by retailers entering into contracts with distributors.
The changes ensure that retailers and distributors can develop and negotiate contractual terms on a level playing field.
Submissions closed on 19 April 2016.
AECT5 pages
AIAL2 pages
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Bryan Leyland1 page
Contact Energy27 pages
Eastland Network6 pages
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The Lines Company1 page
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