Our projects
System security and resilience

Risk of thermal plant closures

This project investigates the implications of major thermal retirement decisions.

  • Generation
  • Overview


    Past activity
    • 2023

      Consultation —
    • November 2022

      Work commissioned —

      Identification of the risks of thermal plant closures

    Project background

    Other projects in System security and resilience
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    Future security and resilience

    Ensuring our electricity system remains secure and resilient for New Zealand's low-emissions energy transition.

    Have your say

    Submissions open until 20 August 2024

    View consultation

    Instantaneous reserve cost allocation

    Improving how the costs of procuring instantaneous reserve are allocated.

    Have your say

    Submissions open until 23 August 2024

    View consultation

    Managing peak electricity demand

    How to better manage risks to electricity supply during peak demand periods.