General news

Common Quality Technical Group members appointed

  • Code
  • Low emissions

We have appointed eleven members to our new technical group – the Future Security and Resilience Common Quality Technical Group.

This group will provide independent advice to the Electricity Authority on common quality requirements during our review of Part 8 of the Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010.

We have appointed the following members for a two-year term:

  • Graeme Ancell
  • Chris Conway
  • Matt Copland
  • Barbara Elliston
  • Brad Henderson
  • Stuart Johnston
  • Stuart MacDonald
  • Mike Moeahu
  • Rob Orange
  • Jon Spiller
  • Gareth Williams

Common quality is an inherently technical and complex subject, and changes to Part 8 could have a significant impact on the way the Code is applied. We have formed this advisory group as we want to ensure any decisions we make are well informed, reflect the needs of the industry and enable innovation into the future.

We thank everyone who put their name forward for the technical group.

More information: Call for nominations for the Common Quality Technical Group

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