General news

Decision on delivery mechanism and mandatory date for EIEP5A (planned outage notification)

  • Consumers
  • Distribution

We have decided to implement a mandatory delivery mechanism for using the Electricity Information Exchange Protocol 5A (EIEP5A) as the method for distributors to notify retailers of planned outages.

In late 2018, we consulted on the following options for using the electricity registry hub to deliver and receive EIEP5A:

  • Option 1 - Current arrangement of email or registry hub
  • Option 2 - Registry hub only
  • Option 3 - Registry maintenance process
  • Option 4 - Choice of either the registry hub or registry maintenance process.

Each of these options use the registry functionality to record a planned outage against an ICP.

We also consulted on whether to require one file format or allow the participant to choose the current EIEP format or a registry batch file format.

Soon after the consultation closed, we needed to reprioritise our resource due to both the disruptions from the Covid-19 pandemic and the events of 2021. Our work on the Electricity Price Review also required resource. We acknowledge this delay has not been ideal, but we have now completed assessment of the submissions and finalised our decision.

We have decided to implement Option 3 which gives participants maximum flexibility to use the functionality that best suits their business needs. This option allows for participants to select the file type they want to use, utilises registry functionality to record outages against ICPs, sends notifications to gaining retailers during the switch process, and creates a new web service for retailers to incorporate their systems. Metering equipment providers (MEPs) can also choose to receive planned outage notifications.

We have decided to make EIEP5A mandatory including the delivery option chosen, from 1 April 2024.

View changes to EIEP1 and EIEP5

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