General news

Register for the Industry Exercise 2025

The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko and Transpower are hosting an Industry Exercise in April 2025 to help prepare for dry winter situations.

We invite market participants to register and participate, so that in the event of future extended electricity supply shortages we can work together effectively to ensure the best outcomes for New Zealanders.

We will hold webinars on 4 and 18 March to provide participants with the knowledge to participate in a practical simulated online exercise on 9 April 2025. It is important that participants attend all three sessions so they understand and simulate the end-to-end process.

Participants will have an opportunity to:

  • understand and provide feedback on dry year processes when Official Conservation Campaigns move into rolling outages
  • test rolling outage plans in a safe and structured environment
  • test processes and communications meet the Consumer Care Obligations
  • practice communications with the system operator, market participants, public agencies, customers and key stakeholders
  • work together as an industry to learn, practice and identify any opportunities for improvement.

We expect all lines companies, direct-connects and retailers to register a key contact and ensure representatives from operations and communications/customer functions attend.

Register a key contact for your organisation by 24 January 2025

Together, let’s build industry-wide capability to ensure we’re well prepared for a dry winter situation to ensure electricity customers continue to receive the best possible service.

For any questions, please contact

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