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Case study: why it’s important to provide accurate information to the reconciliation manager

  • Code
  • Compliance

We have published a case study for industry participants required to provide regular submissions to the reconciliation manager. The case study demonstrates the importance of providing complete and accurate information to the reconciliation manager, and steps to help avoid errors.

The monthly reconciliation process is important to ensuring industry participants are allocated their correct share of electricity generation or consumption.

As demonstrated in the case study, incomplete or inaccurate information supplied by one participant can adversely impact all participants within the balancing area, and the reconciliation manager.

By ensuring all practicable steps have been taken, participants can better avoid delays in the reconciliation process and the risk of being overcharged, which could result in higher operational costs or disputes. To reduce the likelihood of these problems occurring, the Authority expects known issues that could cause inaccurate information – such as a faulty meter – to be resolved quickly.

Participants should implement methods to ensure there are adequate checks in place to highlight any incomplete or inaccurate information before it is submitted to the reconciliation manager.

Case study: providing complete an accurate information to the reconciliation manager

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